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Search Articles

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In undertaking any search, we will -


Consult with you regarding the content of the role, performance expectations, and the necessary personal and professional background characteristics of likely candidates.

Prepare a Position Profile for your review to ensure that we have a common understanding of the position and the desired candidate qualifications, as well as a Time Line of target dates.

Locate, identify, and screen position candidates, including those provided by your sources, whose management style, values, technical abilities, interests, and personal characteristics qualify them for serious consideration.

Evaluate, through personal and in-depth interviews, all likely candidates. References, including past and present superiors, subordinates, and peers, are contacted. Stated credentials, such as college degrees, are confirmed.

Provide you with periodic progress reports during the course of the search.

Present qualified candidates through written evaluation reports and an oral presentation. Our practice is to inform you of each candidate’s shortcomings as well as strengths. We are committed to a successful completion

Schedule candidate interviews with you.

Consult with you regarding candidate selection and development of a specific compensation program for the selected finalist.

Assist, as required, in negotiating an agreement with the finalist candidate.

Follow up with you and the newly hired individual prior to and after employment to ensure a smooth transition.

Contact all candidates who were considered, but not selected, to maintain a favorable impression of your organization and of ours.

Submit a resume
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1726 Solano Ave
Berkeley, CA 94707

415/377-8592 telephone 510/524-4092 fax